The Open Machine – Towards an Anthropology of Digital and Technical Objects

Daryll Forde Seminar Room, Dep. of Anthropology, UCL, London. May 10th, 2019. Pablo Rodríguez “From the hammer to the algoritm” Laura Lotti “Towards a politics of technicity” Catarina Patrício “Machine-Oriented Anthropology” Thiago Novaes “Towards an Anthropology of Digital Objects” Ludovic Coupaye “Towards an Anthropology of Technical Objects” Collective discussion

Simondon on Technics: On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects

Please join the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy (CRMEP) for a workshop to discuss Gilbert Simondon’s 1958 On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects, finally now translated into English in its complete form. Audio and slides available at: Speakers: Andrea Bardin (Brunel University), Giovanni Carrozzini (CIDES, MSH Paris-Nord), Xavier Guchet (Paris…

Gilbert Simondon and Digital Cultures Workshop

Centre for Digital Cultures, Leuphana University Lüneburg Organizers: Yuk Hui (Leuphana Universität), Erich Hörl (Ruhr-Universität Bochum), Jeremy Gilbert (University of East London/New Formations) Workshop: Simondon and Digital Cultures, 21-22 November, 2013 Confirmed Speakers: Jean-Hugues Barthélémy (FR), Anne Sauvagnargues(FR), Ludovic Duhem(FR), Erich Hörl(DE), Yuk Hui (DE), Michael Cuntz (DE),Jeremy Gilbert (UK), Andy Goffey(UK), Luciana Parisi (UK), Christoph…